baby, remember my name...
and now, for something completely arrogant:
i've been worrying lately about my legacy at the law school. not really about how people will remember me, but what people i will remember from law school. an associate at the firm where i work recently mentioned that she'd gone to dinner with a group of law school friends. that's nice, i thought, especially since she graduated 6 years ago. i hoped i would still sup with l/s buddies in 6 years. then i realized: i don't go out to dinner with them now. in fact, there isn't even a group of them. i've made one close friend in l/s and there are some people i wish i could bond with. but mainly i hang out with an assortment of students who dislike each other quite a bit.
there's definitely a part of me that wants law school to loom large in my mind as more than a painful learning and ego-defeating experience. i'd like to remember the friends i made here. then why do i feel so disconnected? is this inherent in the law school experience--that we ultimately pursue our own studies and splinter apart? that the competition fundamentally divides us? that we become so specialized and near-sighted that it's difficult to relate even to each other?
for most of the first year, i thought this problem was specific to me. because i was terrified to go "drinking" with law school comrades, i never had those seminal drunken chats with my newfound community. i've never cried and slurred "i love you guys" to anyone at CU. for me, that's still part of the problem. an example: while studying in the library friday, a classmate started heading out to the international law society f.a.c. "c'mon, l.i.t., let's go have a beer," he said. i was genuinely surprised he requested my company. and deep in the gut i wanted to go: nothing seemed nicer than sampling an international selection of beers on the sun-drenched lawn with the shadows growing long around me. to simply gab with my colleagues and feel that "ease and comfort" that comes with a drink.
course, i can't do that. even when i stop by for a soda, it's a little awkward. i go home to feed l.i.t. doggie and later head to a meeting.
perhaps this isolation is peculiar to me. but somehow, i fear i'm not alone in it. the big cliques that congealed last year seem to have dissolved, and even classmates who find close friendships make particularly odd couples. sadly--and no offense to you guys--i feel like the blogging community is the closest thing to a "gang" i got. and we all pretend not to know each other.
since i'm determined to end this on a happy note, i'm making a proposal: let's all have dinner together. a bloggers-only event. buffs, bolder, moop, l.i.t., jaded and blue parrot. monkey law would get a special dispensation. even tim hadley could come. no one has to know. we'll break our anonymity, so to speak, but only with each other. and, maybe, only for that night.
go ahead, tell me i'm an asshole. but in my sick, romantic way, i imagine it would be fun: like a law school blind date. or, it could be a disaster.
you tell me.
i've been worrying lately about my legacy at the law school. not really about how people will remember me, but what people i will remember from law school. an associate at the firm where i work recently mentioned that she'd gone to dinner with a group of law school friends. that's nice, i thought, especially since she graduated 6 years ago. i hoped i would still sup with l/s buddies in 6 years. then i realized: i don't go out to dinner with them now. in fact, there isn't even a group of them. i've made one close friend in l/s and there are some people i wish i could bond with. but mainly i hang out with an assortment of students who dislike each other quite a bit.
there's definitely a part of me that wants law school to loom large in my mind as more than a painful learning and ego-defeating experience. i'd like to remember the friends i made here. then why do i feel so disconnected? is this inherent in the law school experience--that we ultimately pursue our own studies and splinter apart? that the competition fundamentally divides us? that we become so specialized and near-sighted that it's difficult to relate even to each other?
for most of the first year, i thought this problem was specific to me. because i was terrified to go "drinking" with law school comrades, i never had those seminal drunken chats with my newfound community. i've never cried and slurred "i love you guys" to anyone at CU. for me, that's still part of the problem. an example: while studying in the library friday, a classmate started heading out to the international law society f.a.c. "c'mon, l.i.t., let's go have a beer," he said. i was genuinely surprised he requested my company. and deep in the gut i wanted to go: nothing seemed nicer than sampling an international selection of beers on the sun-drenched lawn with the shadows growing long around me. to simply gab with my colleagues and feel that "ease and comfort" that comes with a drink.
course, i can't do that. even when i stop by for a soda, it's a little awkward. i go home to feed l.i.t. doggie and later head to a meeting.
perhaps this isolation is peculiar to me. but somehow, i fear i'm not alone in it. the big cliques that congealed last year seem to have dissolved, and even classmates who find close friendships make particularly odd couples. sadly--and no offense to you guys--i feel like the blogging community is the closest thing to a "gang" i got. and we all pretend not to know each other.
since i'm determined to end this on a happy note, i'm making a proposal: let's all have dinner together. a bloggers-only event. buffs, bolder, moop, l.i.t., jaded and blue parrot. monkey law would get a special dispensation. even tim hadley could come. no one has to know. we'll break our anonymity, so to speak, but only with each other. and, maybe, only for that night.
go ahead, tell me i'm an asshole. but in my sick, romantic way, i imagine it would be fun: like a law school blind date. or, it could be a disaster.
you tell me.
:) I think that would actually be fun. I've actually thought about that before, and I figure . . . why not?
Lindsay, at 2:32 PM
True. From what I understand, my 1L class is particularly cliquish. There's one group that really throws out the "I'm too cool for law school" vibe and one guy actually told me friend, "I'm over hanging out with law school people." That shit drives me crazy and I doubt any of you do this, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
I think we all feel somewhat splintered and lacking a solid group, but I have a sneaking suspicion that this group is burning bridges out of shear arrogance and will only have themselves to blame. Additionally, and this is only an assumption based on my experience in college, people may be more open to making friends again their 3L year b/c everyone's leaving. We all kinda shut it down after the first part of our first year and continue on till we realize we're going to be graduating into the "real world" of law soon.
Ryan Kalamaya, at 4:48 PM
i talk to about 4 or 5 people here on a very frequent basis. the 2 people i talk to often are like me--we don't exactly buy into this whole law school thing. we don't do moot court or law review. we all realize that there is more to life than law school. that makes it difficult for us to hang out with some other law students who only want to talk law. i guess that's my biggest thing--i don't want to talk about law outside of law school. i use my social life as an escape from this insanity. i don't want to debate the intricacies of the rules of civil procedure. i'd much rather talk about sports. this is why my blog is only somewhat related to law school. i refuse to let law school consume me. if i had friends who were as anal retentive about law school as i am, i'd go crazy. they keep me grounded and give me perspective on this whole thing.
i'm not saying that i don't like other people here. i do. i just think that too many highly driven, anal retentive, obsessive people in one school can lead to some social issues. i think that once i'm practicing, i could probably say hello and have a conversaiton with almost all of my classmates, were i to see them at a professional event. but there are only 2-3 that i will keep in touch with.
Jaded, at 9:42 AM
i'm w/ you, jaded, for the most part. most of my best friends are in the sobriety community. they were definitely my only friends for most of first year. BUT my most lasting relationships have always been formed under seige, so it seems weird to me that i haven't become close with the rest of the army in the law school fort.
actually, i prolly only want to befriend other law-schoolers so we can have somewhat enlightened political debates. now that i think of it, that's prolly the only reason i'm here.
btw, what about dinner, yall? monkey's cookin'...
and buffs law--are we gonna have to call you out as a wuss or what?!?
legally intoxicated, at 12:03 PM
Maybe if ya'll feel isolated, ya'll should talk to more people. I will talk to anyone. A lot of people I know, or I just know who they are, they don't even say hi in the hall. Even tho we have had 10 classes together. I know who a lot fo you are, and most of ya'll are VERY unfriendly. Read the comments above, most of ya'll think you are better than the others. But then you don't even know most other people in the law school, so how do you know they are not cool? Especially Ms. "legally intoxicated" - I think I know who you are, and you are actually Ms. "unfriendly." You should change the name of yr blog.
Anonymous, at 2:16 PM
anon: i can agree with about half of what you said, including the "ms. unfriendly" part. whether or not you and i are talking about the same person, i'll admit to being unfriendly. most people in law school actually fascinate and scare me, that's why i don't talk much. but i'm sure that comes less from snobbery than from plain ol fear. that, and a desperate attempt to get my work done. that seems to be what most of the other posters were expressing, too. i know monkey and i agree that there are some totally kick-ass folks here, but for whatever reason, it's hard to meet up with them.
legally intoxicated, at 10:00 PM
I'm a 0L who will be attending CU in the fall. Looking forward to it, despite the bloggery. :) Although I do drink alcohol, at CU admitted students day, one of my friends--who doesn't drink--felt a bit out of place at FAC because, although there was soda, there were no cups or ice. As I frequently have to remind my husband before a party: Not everyone drinks, and it's kind and sociable to offer alternatives to alcohol. Viable alternatives. So if I leave any sort of legacy at CU, perhaps that will be it; I will make sure the non-imbibers have cups and ice. :)
Anonymous, at 3:43 PM
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