the naked family
i grew up in a naked family. my parents weren't right-wing porn stars, but they weren't exactly the taliban, either. there was a moderate amount of nakedness in the house, such that it was no big deal to walk in on dad taking a pee and have a little conversation.
while this code of conduct naturally changed the moment we hit puberty, it has reemerged as the naked children have borne chillins of their own. allow me to indulge you with a tale of the naked family--the next generation.
l.i.t. sister is urging her toddler son, l.i.t. nephew, to get ready to run errands. l.i.t. nephew procrastinates. (it runs in the family). "i have to pee," he says. so he does, naturally, standing up.
l.i.t. sister decides it's her turn. she puts the seat down, drops trou, sits for a tinkle. l.i.t. nephew is aghast. "MOM!" he says, "do you pee out of your butt?!?"
"no," she says. "i don't have a penis, like you, so i have to sit down."
a few minutes later, l.i.t. nephew is still dawdling. says l.i.t. sister: "i'm a little frustrated with you, because you won't get ready to go."
his reply? "well, i'm frustrated with you because you don't have a penis. YOU ONLY HAVE FUR!"
while this code of conduct naturally changed the moment we hit puberty, it has reemerged as the naked children have borne chillins of their own. allow me to indulge you with a tale of the naked family--the next generation.
l.i.t. sister is urging her toddler son, l.i.t. nephew, to get ready to run errands. l.i.t. nephew procrastinates. (it runs in the family). "i have to pee," he says. so he does, naturally, standing up.
l.i.t. sister decides it's her turn. she puts the seat down, drops trou, sits for a tinkle. l.i.t. nephew is aghast. "MOM!" he says, "do you pee out of your butt?!?"
"no," she says. "i don't have a penis, like you, so i have to sit down."
a few minutes later, l.i.t. nephew is still dawdling. says l.i.t. sister: "i'm a little frustrated with you, because you won't get ready to go."
his reply? "well, i'm frustrated with you because you don't have a penis. YOU ONLY HAVE FUR!"
Lovin' U! More, please.
Anonymous, at 1:32 PM
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