free will astrology. like free-will religion?
jaded law ( wrote about her secret aspiration to be a horoscope writer. i have also wished for same. so i went to my favorite horo site,, where i found the following, beautiful poem:
Now, when the waters are pressing mightily
on the walls of the dams,
now, when the white storks, returning,
are transformed in the middle of the firmament
into fleets of jet planes,
we will feel again how strong are the ribs
and how vigorous is the warm air in the lungs
and how much daring is needed to love on the exposed plain,
when the great dangers are arched above,
and how much love is required
to fill all the empty vessels
and the watches that stopped telling time,
and how much breath,
a whirlwind of breath,
to sing the small song of spring.
-Yehuda Amichai
translated from the Hebrew by Leon Wieseltier
then i clicked through to my horo, which included the tarot card "faith." odd, given my recent post. spring, renewal, faith. dunno: maybe i need it especially this week, given all the work that needs to be done and all the exceeding self-reliance that keeps getting in the fucking way.
of course, the horoscope was all about oral sex and gourmet food--not exactly conducive to finishing law school projects. which brings me to my title: free-will astrology and free will religion. horoscopes work because there's no boundary between self-will and chance. any kind of day can fit in any kind of horo, just add self-will. spirituality w/out doctrine seems the same: if there's no book or guru there to dictate what i need to be doing--i can let my own little mind rationalize whatever i want! which reminds me of a typically crazy smart person in the program who one day decided to make his intellect his higher power. it's hard to think of a quicker road to hell.
but in reality, that's exactly what i've been doing. and damn, i'm getting quite far afield.
Now, when the waters are pressing mightily
on the walls of the dams,
now, when the white storks, returning,
are transformed in the middle of the firmament
into fleets of jet planes,
we will feel again how strong are the ribs
and how vigorous is the warm air in the lungs
and how much daring is needed to love on the exposed plain,
when the great dangers are arched above,
and how much love is required
to fill all the empty vessels
and the watches that stopped telling time,
and how much breath,
a whirlwind of breath,
to sing the small song of spring.
-Yehuda Amichai
translated from the Hebrew by Leon Wieseltier
then i clicked through to my horo, which included the tarot card "faith." odd, given my recent post. spring, renewal, faith. dunno: maybe i need it especially this week, given all the work that needs to be done and all the exceeding self-reliance that keeps getting in the fucking way.
of course, the horoscope was all about oral sex and gourmet food--not exactly conducive to finishing law school projects. which brings me to my title: free-will astrology and free will religion. horoscopes work because there's no boundary between self-will and chance. any kind of day can fit in any kind of horo, just add self-will. spirituality w/out doctrine seems the same: if there's no book or guru there to dictate what i need to be doing--i can let my own little mind rationalize whatever i want! which reminds me of a typically crazy smart person in the program who one day decided to make his intellect his higher power. it's hard to think of a quicker road to hell.
but in reality, that's exactly what i've been doing. and damn, i'm getting quite far afield.
your analysis of horoscopes is spot on, not surprisingly. i was able to shoehorn this horoscope into what's going on in my life. and that was not easy:
My Gemini friend Thomas will be throwing a big party for himself soon. He'll be celebrating his graduation from a local college where he has been taking classes since 1993. His many years of matriculation can be explained in part by the sheer enjoyment he gets from being a student. The other reason for the delay is that he has had trouble passing a certain course that's necessary for his degree. But he's doing well in the course this time around; his teacher has told him he'll probably pass. I believe his imminent completion is something like what's unfolding in your life. Whether or not you're formally enrolled in school, you're about to complete lessons you've studied for a long time.
Anonymous, at 6:25 AM
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