reason 5,437 to take land use planning

i have learned (finally) to study with headphones on. too bad i didn’t get this in undergrad, when my roommate chewed her gum out loud and constantly belly laughed about postmodern theory. (more on that later).
but musical outlining becomes cause for musical celebration. here’s a list of guilty pleasures and things i love right now:
1. the fact that the killers sound like a better-produced version of duran duran. only i don't fantasize marrying them like i did w/ dd in 5th grade. (seriously: sis and i totally cried when nick rhodes finally wed.)
2. that enthusiastic little "clap clap clap" noise in snow patrol's "tiny little fractures." and the fact that the song is totally pretentiously about nothing: "If I've forgotten what to say /It's because all words are dust" (!) and then later: "is there a t-shirt i can wear / cuz i am soaking, look at me / what do you mean i don't love you? / i am standing here, aren't i?" now that's my kind of guy. when standing in a wet t-shirt = love.
3. along the lines of post-modern pretentions: i also love that eve 6 song "heart in a blender." "I burn burn like a wicker cabinet / sharp wire and oh so frail / I see our time has gotten stale." i can't think of a sillier metaphor than burning like a wicker cabinet. except maybe this one: "or am i oragami/ fold it up and just pretend / demented as the motives in your head." sweet!
4. offspring's "feet all up in the air." i used to hate it, till i realized it's just a rock 'n roll version of a raunchy rugby song. and it's a lot funnier than "at the gang bang," a rugby ballad my dear sweet ex would sing to me.
5. my old guided by voices albums. nothing can make you chuckle through corps quite like this line: "i met a non-dairy creamer / explicitly laid out like a fruit cake / with a wet spot bigger than a great lake ... took me to pie land / said, 'i'm a thigh man' / i will be eternally hateful. HOT FREAKS!"
and finally: i'm buying a new computer today. (yes, right in the middle of finals! when i have no money!) any suggestions on what NOT to buy? i'd advise anyone out there to *avoid* the toshiba satellite. motherboard gone in 2 years without even a teary good-bye. and right when i needed her most! at least she didn't sing rugby songs...
The Sony Vaio has done me well. Be sure to get a phat accidental damage policy, though, as I just had to buy another one thanks to an unplanned vehicular event.
cublawg, at 6:10 PM
i disagree on the sony. my power connection died on that thing and so did the fan. but then again, i'm really hard on computers. sony did have good service though, when i had to send it in. but i've heard from a lot of people who have had hardware problems with the vaio. dell isn't too bad. i have an HP that isn't too bad (though i've only had it 6 months and have already killed a USB port). toshiba=bad.
Jaded, at 6:28 PM
LI: I love the picture. I just posted the story re: Buffalo.
Why are you fools still messing around with Windooze? Get a Mac and never stress again. I sold my IBM Thinkpad in favor of an $850 iBook over Thanksgiving and haven't looked back since. I do, however, have to use my roommate's Dell laptop for exams b/c ExamSoft doesn't run on Macs unless you buy a $100 VirtualPC program. Still, for class and everday use, I would never go back.....
Just my $.02,
Ryan Kalamaya, at 7:44 PM
Let's just say everyone I know in Land Use has declared it the worst class in the law school. So maybe there's only a few reasons to take it ... buffaloes being one.
Buffs, at 4:04 PM
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cublawg, at 8:25 AM
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cublawg, at 9:39 AM
That's so funny! The Killer's CD has gotten me through all the prep for my last two finals, property and conlaw, I have just put it on repeat and literally gone for hours!
That cd is sooo good, and listening through headphones makes all the difference - it just zones me into my work!
Anonymous, at 1:43 AM
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